Payment & Academic schedule of MARKS Medical College Dental Unit
The duration of BDS Course is four years with professional examinationin each year. The course is followed by Rotatory IntershipTraining Programme with a logbook Approved by Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council.Class attendance minimum 75% in each Academic year. All students will have to pay their fees by the 10 th day of every running month.

- Advance past dated cheques are to be submitted at the time of admission to the accounts dept.completing total payments of development fees,annual/Session fees, training and other miscellaneous fees.
- Student has to pay the monthly tution fees till he/she passed the final BDS University examination.
- Failure in payment of various fees at schedule time will be treated as defaulter and liable to impose 2% fine on a daily basis.
- Before appearing any university examination ,students must clear all the dues before the month of exam.
- The name of the student will be struck off the college register if the fees remian unpaid for three month or more.The students then will have to seek re-registration on payment of full arear dues ans also the re-registration fees.
- Students are expected to maintain a high standard in their academic and private life.lapses of moral values or addiction to drugs,gambling or other crimes are punishable offences.
- No student will be allowed to participate in any political activities or any types of demonstration either within the college campus or outside.
- The Management committe of MARKS Medical College Dental Unit reserves the right to change or implement any new rules for the betterment of the institution.
Development fund
Development fund contribution should be made at the time of admission, which is non refundable and can be paid in two installment for special case
Rules for Students
- Class attendance Minimum 75%
- Absence from the classes for a period of month without prior permission or without any valid reason, the name of the student will be struck off. Re-admission may be allowed on payment of re-admission fees.
- Students have to bring their own dental / medical hand instruments (List of the instruments will be provided timely).
- Students are expected to have maintain a high standard in their academic and private life. Lapses of moral values or addition to drugs, gambling or any other crimes are punishable offences.
- Fashionable dresses jewelling cosmetics, untidy hair, slippers are discouraged in the college campus.
- Boys must wear pant, shirt and shoes.
- Students ang guardians have to sign a bond at the time of admission that they will abide by the rules and regulation of the college.
- All the students must always put on apron and their name should be displayed on the apron by name plate with in the college premises,
- The management of MDC reserves the right to change or implement new rules.