This Medical college ensures quality teaching to students under proper guidance and supervision to help enable to perform better in medical education in an appropriate environment. There are also facilities for research work which will enable them to play a role in future upliftment in the field of Medical Science in the country.
Course offered (MBBS) is of 5-years duration. One year internship is required for certification. Curriculum approved by University of Dhaka and BM&DC is strictly followed in the college.

Pre-clinical subjects: Anatomy, Physiology and Bio-chemistry
Para-clinical subjects: Community Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Pharmacology, Pathology & Microbiology Clinical subject: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medicine, Surgery and their allied subjects.
Overhead projector, Epidiascope, Multimedia projector and other audiovisual equipment’s, DVD are used to make assimilation easy. CME based programmed, Seminars and symposiums are organized on regular basis to acquaint the students with the latest development in medical science. A student can get access to information highway through the internet facilities of the college. The departments extensively utilize the facilities for making instruction more useful and effective. The teachers make learning easy for the students with the help of audio-visual equipment and multimedia setup

Foundation Courses on English Language and computer of three months duration are mandatory for all students and a privilege charge will have to be paid which is
subject to change at any time of the academic year. The medium of instruction ls English
The students are generally taught by lectures, clinical demonstrations, tutorials and practical ward demonstration, seminars, symposiums, workshops, field visits and residential field site training, demonstration and autopsy, as per University, BM&DC & Govt. criteria. Academic progress repots of students are sent to their guardians from time to time and kept informed about their academic and extracurricular activities.

Anatomy, Physiology, Community Medicine, Biochemistry Pharmacology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine, Pathology, Gynae & Obs, Surgery, Orthopedics, Medicine, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Skin & VD, Radiology & Imaging, Psychiatry, E.N.I Anesthesiology
The student successfully passing final MBBS examination will have to undergo one year internship training in the college hospital (MMCH), During internship training subsistence allowance are given to the interns.
Well-defined academic activities are carried out in a congenial environment having adequate
. Spacious class rooms/lecture galleries
. Library . Dissection rooms
. Anatomy museum . Histology lab
. Physiology lab . Biochemistry lab
. Community Medicine . Community Medicine museum
. Pharmacology lab
. Microbiology lab
. Forensic Medicine museum
. Teacher Lounge
. Pathology museum
. Common room
. Student Hostel
(Male and Female)
. Computer lab with
internet facilities