Admission Notification for MBBS Course In the academic year 2021-2022, application is being invited for admission in 1st year MBBS course in Marks Medical College (10th Batch) as per official rules.
In favor of Marks Medical College, from any branch of Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. Mirpur-10 Branch Account No. 1841 1000 25102 can be submitted online by depositing Rs.

Or the admission application form can be collected and submitted directly from the college office (non-refundable) for cash 1000 / – from 8 am to 4 pm. All quotas including 5% for indigent and meritorious students and 2% for freedom fighters will be reserved. The following documents need to be submitted at the time of MBBS admission:
The original copy of all the information and certificates mentioned in the application form must be provided at the time of admission.
1. Student copy of online application form.
2. Admit card downloaded online.
3. Original copy of academic transcript of SSC and HSC or equivalent examination.
4. Original copy of SSC and HSC or equivalent examination pass certificate / testimonial.
5. Original copy of the citizenship certificate issued by the Mayor / Chairman of the Municipality / Chairman of the Union Parishad / Ward Commissioner in case of proof of citizenship. Five copies of newly taken passport size attested color photograph.
Original copy of Citizenship Certificate issued by City Corporation Mayor / Municipality Chairman / Union Parishad Chairman / Ward Commissioner in case of Proof of Citizenship.
Five copies of newly taken passport size attested color photograph.. Certificate of Circle Chief and Deputy Commissioner in case of tribal candidates of hill districts and certificate issued by Circle Chief or Deputy Commissioner in case of non-tribal candidates and also certificate issued by Tribal Head and concerned Deputy Commissioner in case of tribal candidates of other districts.
. A certificate signed by the then Hon’ble Prime Minister under the Bangladesh Muktijoddha Sangsad from 1996-2001 or a certificate signed by the Hon’ble Minister / Counter-Minister and Secretary in favor of participation in the Great Liberation War for admission of students in the reserved 2% Muktijoddha quota. (Rules and regulations issued by the government will be followed in case of children of children claiming freedom fighter quota).
Marksheets of “O” level and “A” level / equivalent will be recognized by the Department of Health through Equivalence Certificate.
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Application Form Delivery Start Date: 05/07/2021 Last Date of Submission of Application Form: 15/06/2021 Information for Admission: Phone: 46039907, 46039907, 9003465, 9634034, 222260547 Mobile: 01741101,300. , Contact to collect the form – –,
Admission form
Admission Notification for MBBS Course In the academic year 2020-2021, application is being invited for admission in 1st year MBBS course in Marks Medical College (10th Batch) as per official rules.
◊ Foreign Students
Government of Bangladesh sets the rules and procedures of admission of foreign students to all public and private medical colleges within its territory. Following are the steps that you need take if you want to get admitted into MARKS Medical College .
1. If you have the passport of a country having diplomatic relationship with Bangladesh you can apply for admission in MBBS course (Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery) in one of the public or private Medical Colleges in Bangladesh.
2. You must have 12 years of schooling, and your grades must have to be matched (Equivalency) with the Bangladeshi counterpart- SSC (Secondary School Certificate) & HSC (Higher Secondary School Certificate).
3. Your eligibility criteria for admission to MBBS course:
a. O-level (Equivalent to SSC) certificate: Minimum 5 subjects
b. A-level (Equivalent to HSC) Certificate: Must have Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
c. USA 12 grade completion certificate: Must have Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
d. Minimum GPA (After equivalency with SSC & HSC)= 7 (seven)
e. Minimum GPA in Biology= 3.5.
4. You have to undergo in the following steps if you decide to get admitted into MMC
a. Get the photocopies of the following documents attested from the foreign ministry of your country:
i. School/College graduation certificates
ii. Mark/grade sheet
iii. School leaving certificate (Testimonial)
iv. Copy of Passport
v. Two passport size photographs of applicant
b. Download ‘MBBS admission form’ from the website of Bangladesh Foreign Ministry( and fill it up. You must mention your medical college of choice.
c. Pay $60 (Subject to change) in any bank of your country in favor of DGHS and get the receipt. (For more info. visit
d. Deposit your attested documents, bank receipt and filled admission form to Bangladesh Embassy of your country for processing of Grade Equivalency and permission from Government of Bangladesh. You can do this job by yourself or by an agent.
e. Send copies of your certificates, mark sheets, passport and a letter of intention to MARKS Medical College office (Email or post) for advance booking of your seat.

5. Having received the permission letter of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and grade equivalency of your certificates, MARKS Medical College (MMC) office would inform you and proceed with your admission.
6. Admission fee structure for the session as follows (change might occur according to the decision of Governing Body).
a. $25,000 down payment b. $6,000/year x 4 (Mode of payment would be informed)