• Call us: 09 611-772233
  • info@marksmedicalcollege.edu.bd



  • Students have to carry their “IDENTITY CARDS” when in the college campus.
  • Wearing of apron mandatory while inside college campus.
  • Students are expected to attend classes in clear & well dressed clothes and shoes for boys.
  • Fashionable dress, cosmetics, untidy hair, slippers are discouraged in the college campus.
  • Rings, bangles are impediment in the practical classes.
  • Smoking is forbidden in the college campus.
  • Environment should be kept clean.
  • Pasting of posters on the walls of the college and the hospital premises are prohibited, These are considered as acts of indiscipline and the offend those who involved are liable to punishment.
  • All types of demonstrations, processions, shouting in the college and hospital premises are prohibited and students involved in them are liable to be expelled from college.
  • Abstentions from classes individually or in a mass without prior permission and without valid reasons are punishable by imposition of daily fine of Tk.500/- individually.
  • Guardians must maintain contact with respective Phase Coordinators to ensure that their son/daughter is attending classes regularly and performing satisfactorily.
  • There are counseling bodies in each phase headed by the Head of the department. So that students can state their problems/inconveniences to the Counseling Body. The Counseling Body will solve the problem or refer it to the Principal if necessary. Statement of the grievances/ problems/ inconveniences by the students must be in an orderly and disciplined manner. Any act of indiscipline on the part of any student including usage of abusive words or objectionable words and sentences will make the student liable to be punished by expulsion from the college.
  • Closing of college, hospital, and department gates or doors and creating obstacles in the normal functioning are act of gross indiscipline and students involved in such acts are liable to be expelled from college.
  • Students must not misbehave with the staff or employees of the college. Misbehavior is an act of indiscipline and liable to punishment.of indiscipline and liable to punishment.
  • At the time of admission into the college, students and parents/ guardians will have to sign a bond that their children/ward will abide by the rules and regulations of the college.
  • Every student shall provide for himself/herself all the proscribed text books, dissecting instruments, and medical equipment. The college will
    not supply these to the students.
  • Leave: in case of illness or other unavoidable reasons of non-attendance student should submit application to the principal forwarded by
    departmental Head or a written application from the parent/ guardian should be submitted to the principal through respective departmental head, if there is delay/problem in submission of application respective departmental head should be informed over mobile phone at earliest possible.
  • Receiving private coaching from any teacher of MRMC is prohibited. If any student or his/her guardian seeks private coaching from any teacher of this institution disciplinary action will be taken as per rules of Dhaka University,
  • Cost of loss/damage to college/hospital
    property by student will be borne by concern
  • Political activities are not permitted in the college.


Principal is the Executive Head. 0n academic matters, he is advised by the Academic Council


Humanitarian services such as free blood donation and
free medicine supply for poor patients, relief works
during natural calamities such as cyclones, floods, epidemics etc. Committees consisting of Teachers and Students (Teachers-Students Committees) look after these activates


The college is run on self-financing and non-profit basis’


Teachers and staff are selected through Staff Selection Committees, Teachers have to posses qualifications as per requirements of Bangladesh Medical College and Dental Council.


There is a provision for study tour in the new curriculum The students will have to bear cost of study tour in addition to the regular tuition fees and fees at the time of admission


Students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities such as: Sports games, cultural activities, debating competition, wall magazine etc.


Guardians Advice on the College affairs is welcome, Two guardians are members of the MRMC Governing Body.


Literary activities such as debates, seminars, publications of Annual Magazine..


Academic Council meets in every six months and whenever necessary. They discuss all aspects of academic activities and discipline of students’ Academic Council is also responsible for coordination of courses and quality control of education through Academic Coordinator and Phase Coordinators.
