Preface MARKS Medical College Dental Unit
Established in the year 2007, the College is dedicated to the cause of dissemination of health education and services in Dental Science & Dental Surgery, home and abroad. Located at the well projected and easily accessible cross road of Mirpur, Section-14, Dhaka-1206 with separate structures for hospital & academic building on a plot of land owned by the College & Hospital. The hospital has been rendering with reputation health service for the last 14years.
Academic activities are closely monitored by the honorable Directors and members of the Governing body. MARKS Medical College Dental Unit is committed to high standard of education leading to BDS degree under the University of Dhaka. or facilitating the study and research in the field of Dental and Medical science.
- To give awards for notable and outstanding achievement in the field of Dental and Medical science.
- To give scholarship to the poor and talented students of this institution.

The objectives of the College are
- To promote and provide modern scientific dental and medical health education and services of international standard among the people of the country and foreign students.
- To develop and produce skilled dental professionals in the country.
- To develop a group of dedicated and sincere graduates with humanitarian qualities to serve the common disabled an undeserved humanity.
- Provide cost effective educational facilities, thus saving valuable foreign currency of the country.
- To accept foreign students and earning foreign currency, thus adding to the economy of the country.
- To conduct research work & refresher courses in dentistry for faculties and general practitioners.
- To organize workshops, lectures, seminars, conferences and set up study groups and training programs for furtherance of the standard of dental and medical knowledge in the country.
- To establish and maintain modern libraries of national and internationals journals and information to facilitate the study of medicine, dentistry and spread information and to make contact with other organization concerned with si milar objective.
- To sharing knowledge & stillness maintain relation with national and international institution, Professional bodies and organization for helping
Admission to 15 batch of B.D.S course
Admission to our new 1st year B.D.S course (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) is now open. For admission please contact the office of the principal.

Courses Offered by the college
Five years course in Dental Surgery leading to Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
Degree Offered
BD.S (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) from Dhaka University.

Duration of Course
The duration of the B.D.S course is five years with professional examination in each year, conducted by Dhaka University. It will be followed by internship training for one year in the form of rotatory internship. regulating by Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.

Teaching Method
The medium of education is English, Teachings are imparted thought lectures, demonstration, tutorials, wards, clinics and practical classes, Teaching aids such as multimedia overhead projectors, video tapes are used, Students are also taken to outdoor Dental and Medical camps for the better clinical and practical knowledge.

Academic Calender
The session of the College will be started according to the Academic calendar of the University of Dhaka & classes will be Started according to the Academic Calendar of the MARKS Medical College Dental Unit.
Admission Requirements
Students who have passed in Secondary School Certificate (SSC)/’O’ Level and Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC)/’A’ Level examination from any Board in Bangladesh or equivalent examination from abroad in the pre-medical group with physics, chemistry and biology are eligible to apply for admission if they have the qualifying MARKS as per the Government rules.
Few seats are reserved for the foreign students. They must posses minimum qualifications to S.S.C/’O’ level (minimum 12 years of Schooling including pre-medical subject).
A charge of US$25 is applicable for the foreign students for prospectus & application form. For the foreign students information regarding admission fee, Tuition fee, Rules & Regulation etc. are available in the college web site or calling the principal / college secretary directly at +88-02-8033373, +88-02-9003475.
4096 seats are available for foreign students, In this regards we follow the rules & regulations laid down by the University of Dhaka, BM & DC and the Directorate General of Health services Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh,
Selection Procedure
Admission test examination results “makes selection of the student. The admission Committee selects students purely on merit basis as per guidelines given by the office of the Director General of Health Services. Student should be medically and Physically fit
National Goal and Objectives of Course
National Goal:
To produce competent, compassionate, reflective and dedicated health care professionals who:
- consider the care and safety of their patients as first concern.
- establish and maintain good relationship with patients, their attendants and colleagues
- are honest, trustworthy and act with integrity
- are capable of dealing with common dental diseases and dental health problems of the country and are willing to serve the community particularly the rural community.
- but at the same time acquire firm basis for future training, service and research at both national and international level.
- are committed to keep their knowledge and skill up-to-date through “Continuous Professional Development’ all through their professional life.

General Objective of BDS Course:
The purpose of the dental educational program is to provide the opportunity t the learner to gain scientific knowledge and clinical skills needed in the practice of the profession, to instill the highest standards of professional conduct as a way of life and to promote a dedication to continuous, life-long professional study and improvement.
The dental graduate should possess:
- A thorough understanding of the biological sciences to enable the integration and correlation of these basic sciences with clinical dental practice.
- Competence in diagnosis of oral and dental diseases including and understanding of the relationship between general and oral diseases.
- Skills to provide the preventive and curative services commonly required in dental practice.
- The ability to organise and administer a dental practice efficiently.
- Ability to appraise and apply research findings and new technology.
- A commitment towards continuing education.
- A sense of professional, ethical and social responsibility.